There are many operations being proposed by different members of the collective at all times. We cannot list them all here. To really stay in the loop, you must follow social media on a regular basis, and get involved in operations that you are passionate about. Twitter is a good place to start. Get an account, and search for #Anonymous.
Example Operations:
Operation: Everybody Love Everybody
This is the primary law of every great society and culture. This operation has been in effect since the dawn of civilization. When in the spirit of this operation, we serve as a constant reminder to those in power, that there is a higher law than those written by politicians, kings, and popes. It is the law of love; and it is eternal. In everything that you do, do it with a spirit of love, and you will gain the hearts and minds of those around you. This is the will of that which is most high.
Famous Supporters: John Lennon, Mahatma Gandhi, Jesus of Nazareth, Yahweh, Allah, Buddha, etc.
Famous Quotes: "love thy neighbor as thyself" - Jesus of Nazareth
Hashtags: #OpELE, #OpSpreadthelove, #ELE #GoldenRule
Security Forces: EtherSec, AmeriSec,
Weapon of Choice: Empathy
Region: World Wide
Date of Previous action: Now
ETA of Next Action: Now
Operation: Big Brother
As was predicted by George Orwells famous classic, 1984, we have seen a tremendous amount of technological advancements in the field of surveillance, tracking, and data mining. This, coupled with the governments insatiable urge to control media outlets, has triggered a need for the people to provide their own protection against government surveillance and control. OpBigBrother aims to provide this protection
Famous Supporters: George Orwell, Chester A. Arthur, Chief John Anderton
Famous Quotes: "Early in life I had noticed that no event is ever correctly reported in a newspaper." - George Orwell
Hashtags: #OpBigBrother, #OpIndect, #OpTrapPWire
Security Forces: @OpBigBrother
Weapon of Choice: Silly String
Regions: North America, South America, Europe
Date of Previous Action: February 23rd, 2013
ETA of Next Action: Now
Operation: Project Mayhem 2012
Designed to coincide with the end of the Myan Calander, this was a seed project engineered to fertilize a specific set of memes for both subconscious and conscious implementation by the collective. Implementation of these seeds is to occur at undisclosed intervals by random members of the collective between the years 2013, and 2045. These seeds were called "Dangerous ideas" .
Idea 1 - Leak it all
Idea 2 - Dare to create
Idea 3 - Withdraw it all
Idea 4 - Panick Dance
Idea V - ???????????
Famous Supporters: Tyler Durden, Fernando Arrabal, Quetzalcoatl
Famous Quotes: "May BEE Tyler knows?"
Hashtags: #PM2012, #TYLER, #LEAKitALL, #OpEpoch
Security Forces: EtherSec, School of Galatorg, @R_A2012
Weapon of Choice: Massively Injected Limbic System Hooks
Regions: North America, South America, Europe, Asia
Date of Previous Action: December 21, 2012 at 11:11 UTC.
ETA of Next Action: Unknown - May BEE Tyler knows...
Operation: Wolf-PAC
It is estimated that over 85% of all elections go to the candidate with the most money. Large corporations have been buying influence in Washington by contributing large sums of money to campaigns. Therefore, the goal of Operation WolfPAC is to restore true democracy in the United States by pressuring State Representatives to pass a much needed 28th Amendment to the Constitution. This amendment would end corporate person hood and force the public to finance all elections instead of big businesses.
Famous Supporters: The Young Turks, Thomas Jefferson, Jesse Ventura
Famous Quotes: "I hope we shall crush the aristocracy of monied corporations which bid defiance to the laws of our country" - Thomas Jefferson
Hashtags: #WolfPAC, #OpWolfPAC, #GetMoneyOut
Security Forces: Amerisec, Occupy Wall Street, Tea Party Patriots, WolfPAC
Weapon of Choice: Article V Convention
Regions: North America
Date of Previous Action: Now
ETA of Next Action: Now